3 Pain-Free and Stress-Free Ways Busy Moms Can Maintain a Healthy Weight

3 Pain-Free and Stress-Free Ways Busy Moms Can Maintain a Healthy Weight

3 Pain-Free and Stress-Free Ways Busy Moms Can Maintain a Healthy Weight 2000 1339 Karen Weeks

3 Pain-Free and Stress-Free Ways Busy Moms Can Maintain a Healthy Weight

Let’s talk about a touchy subject: maintaining a healthy weight. While the world has moved toward the acceptance of healthy bodies — and we are so here for that positive change — it’s still important for people to find simple, healthy, and effective ways to prevent obesity. That’s because obesity and chronic diseases are still closely linked. If you want to take better care of your health, you can use these effective and painless tips to do so.

Cut Out Those High-Calorie Coffee Drinks

Taking a break at your local coffee shop is a great way to de-stress and decompress after a long morning with the kids. If you’re picking up fancy lattes and blended drinks while you’re there, however, you could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts and your budget. So, consider ditching those expensive and calorie-loaded drinks for homemade pour-over coffee instead. You can snag a top-rated and affordable pour-over coffee maker for the same price as a few of those fancy drinks; plus, you will be cutting out a lot of excess sugar and carbohydrates in the process. If you really miss the flavors of those lattes and specialty drinks, you can also search coffee recipes online to start jazzing up your pour-over coffee with low-sugar and low-calorie additions that won’t throw off your diet. Some coffee beverages have more calories than a few eggs or slices of bacon, so you’re definitely better off preparing your own drinks so you can control the calories and sugar in each cup.

Try Spending a Few Minutes on Meditation

If you’re like most moms, mornings are probably pretty busy in your house. Whether you’re getting your baby fed or getting your older kids ready for school, moms never seem to have a break during the morning rush. That can leave your mental health seriously neglected, which can ultimately impact your weight and other aspects of your physical well-being. So, instead of waking up right before the kids do, why not try getting up a few minutes earlier so you have some time to yourself before things get hectic? If you really want to boost your happiness and health, you can spend those extra minutes on mindful meditation. Getting started with meditation can be tricky at first but once you get the hang of it, you are likely to feel less stressed. Pair your morning meditation with a quick yoga routine, which you can squeeze into as little as 10 minutes,  and you have the perfect recipe for boosting your weight and mood.

Find Fun Workouts That Don’t Feel Like Work

Starting your day with some meditation and power yoga can put you on track toward a healthy weight, but you need a little more exercise to beat obesity and maintain your overall health and well-being. In fact, studies have found that people who exercise at least 30 minutes each day, or a total of 200 minutes per week, tend to weigh less and feel better than those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle. While 30 minutes per day may not sound like a lot to many folks, carving out an extra half hour for exercise can feel like a serious challenge for busy moms. So, instead of stressing yourself out over getting to the gym or getting out for a run, try to find fun and practical ways to stay active during the day. Grab the kids and your dog for a nice evening walk or make it a habit to pace around as you talk on your phone. Want an even more engaging way to workout with your little ones? Then you should definitely try this super-fun playground workout!

Obesity has been linked to so many other serious health issues, so it’s so crucial for moms, and anyone really, to find a balance between maintaining a healthy body and being proud of having a different body. Doing so can mean getting more time to spend with your children as they grow older, and the simple tweaks above can make fighting obesity feel like less of an obligation.

Guest post by Jennifer McGregor

Photo Credit: Pexels