THE ASIA SOCIETY: South Asian Trailblazers Commemorate AAPI Heritage Month

THE ASIA SOCIETY: South Asian Trailblazers Commemorate AAPI Heritage Month

THE ASIA SOCIETY: South Asian Trailblazers Commemorate AAPI Heritage Month 1920 1080 Kanika

On this episode, we are featuring a live event in New York City hosted by the esteemed Asia Society led by Neelam Chowdhary and The Culture Tree, founded by Anu Sehgal. In honor of AAPI Heritage Month, I was asked to moderate a panel with extraordinary South Asian women who have made a lasting impact in their industries and communities. Together, we celebrate their trailblazing journeys, offering listeners and attendees invaluable insights and inspiration.

Anu Aiyengar, Global Co-Head of Mergers and Acquisitions at JPMorgan Chase & Co., is celebrated for her influential role in finance. Jennifer Rajkumar, the first South Asian American woman elected to a state office in New York, garners admiration for her groundbreaking legislative achievements. Snigdha Sur, Founder and CEO of The Juggernaut, captivates us with her dedication to sharing untold South Asian stories. Dr. Sue Varma, a leading psychiatrist and mental health expert, imparts invaluable insights into emotional well-being.

Throughout the episode, I guide our panelists through thought-provoking discussions including their personal journeys and the influence of their cultural heritage on their lives and careers. Engaging topics include empowering South Asian women in leadership roles, the rise of Asian representation in politics, the dynamic landscape of journalism, and the importance of mental health in the South Asian community.

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