Decluttering & Designing Your Bedroom Closet

Decluttering & Designing Your Bedroom Closet

Decluttering & Designing Your Bedroom Closet 1225 1062 Kanika


Reminiscent of the closet montage in Sex and The City (the movie), organizing can be fun when you decide what want to ‘take’ or ‘toss,’ especially if it involves 80s music and a fashion show with friends! I declutter my closet each season and recently decided to take it a step further by adding design elements that reflect my personal style. 

  1. Purge
    1. Rather than organizing your closet on a yearly basis, do an audit of your clothes and accessories each season. Better yet, when you buy a new outfit, donate one that has been sitting in your closet. Out with the old, and in with the new!
  2. Optimize Space
    1. Use skinny velvet hangers.
    2. Use a tiered shoe rack so vertical space from the ground up is being utilized.
    3. If you have two hanging racks, use them. Pants and belts on the bottom, tops and dresses on top.
  3. Design
    1. Inspired by a pearl and silver monogrammed jewelry box that my mom-in-law bought me, I went with a white and silver color scheme for my closet. My bins, curtains, and add ons match this theme.
    2. Use bins for other perishables, pastas, condiments, spices, etc.
  4. Store & Hide
    1. Keep items you access regularly out in plain sight (e.g. perfumes, vitamins)
    2. Hide your shelves with woven curtains. I am not one to sew, so I bought the curtains, had my tailor resize them as per the dimensions of the shelves, strung rope through the top, and hung them on adhesive command hooks. Since there’s no drilling required, this was a cinch!

Many ladies subscribe to the adage, “a girl can never have too many clothes.” But, believe me, purging and streamlining your closet is much more liberating, especially when you donate for a cause. Soon you’ll be swearing by the words of #viviennewestwood, “buy less, choose well, make it last.”