You are tossing and turning and hate that you can’t sleep on your stomach anymore. You undoubtedly wake up 5 times a night to pee. You have probably even contemplated dragging your air mattress into the bathroom. I’ve been there. It gets better. And as everyone says, your broken sleep pattern during pregnancy prepares you for the sleepless nights to come when your baby (or babies!) arrive.
Since I was giving birth to twins, my bump grew fast. However, I wasn’t as uncomfortable as friends suspected. I didn’t get swollen feet. I didn’t experience morning sickness. I wasn’t nauseous. (Okay, I’ll stop rubbing it in.) My point is that discomfort isn’t inevitable. I made sure to continue working (paying close attention to my posture while sitting at my desk), went to the gym three times a week, and took naps when I could. My work outs actually made it easier to fall asleep since I was so tired by the end of the day. When I slept, I put a small wedge pillow under my belly and a regular pillow in between my knees. I had spurts of restful slumber, which happened to be in the early mornings from 5:00 am onward, and the most vivid dreams. They were surreal. Find what works for you whether it’s a full-body pillow or smaller pillows scattered throughout the bed.
Above all, keep a positive attitude and you’ll breeze through each week. You are creating a human life (or multiple lives) inside you – organs are forming, tiny little limbs, the works! So allow yourself to rest whenever you feel tired and stay hydrated. It works wonders.