My Appearance on Good Day New York

My Appearance on Good Day New York

My Appearance on Good Day New York 2000 1339 Kanika

Strutting into 2020 like…😸

Thank you Liz Teich for your fashion expertise. You discovered great holiday finds that are on trend and are super affordable.

It was so fun being on FOX Good Day New York with Lori Stokes and Rosanna Scotto. You pronounced my name perfectly btw – Kanika rhymes with Hannukah! 🕎 And how I can I forget hanging out in the green room with Natasha Danna, Erin Doulight and Stella Leo. We worked it ladies!

This reminded of me of my modeling, pageant and newsroom days which feels like a past lifetime ago. Although I’m not as young nor a size 0 any more, I feel empowered, proud to be a working Mama of 3, and am confident in my skin. Cheers to inclusion, diversity, and all women for being the superheroes that we are. 

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Have a ‘good day’! 🗽