AT HOME WITH HOMER: The 80/20 Rule of Parenting — with Stephanie Dua

AT HOME WITH HOMER: The 80/20 Rule of Parenting — with Stephanie Dua

AT HOME WITH HOMER: The 80/20 Rule of Parenting — with Stephanie Dua 1920 1080 Kanika

Kanika: In our final “At Home with HOMER” episode, I want to focus on something we’ve strived to incorporate into every one of our conversations — How can we simplify information for families with easy, quick, applicable, tips for parents that help instead of overwhelm. In the spirit of that, I would love to hear in a more general sense about what you think parents truly need to focus on and more importantly, what parents can confidently forget about!

Stephanie: Yes, I love this question, because this is truly my goal. Simplify, streamline, cut out the noise and find the 80/20 approach to parenting.

Stephanie’s Tips:

  • Enlist your kids! Skills, reaching, tying your shoes. Feel agency and mastery in building those skills
  • Double duty – math and meals
  • Complex – you look at outside solutions
  • Focus on the connection, not perfection

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