COREY SPIEGEL: Meet Your New Board of Directors for Your Personal Life

COREY SPIEGEL: Meet Your New Board of Directors for Your Personal Life

COREY SPIEGEL: Meet Your New Board of Directors for Your Personal Life 1920 1080 Kanika

Walt Disney once said,

“You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world…but it requires people to make the dream a reality.”

Many of us run our own businesses or are part of the entrepreneurial world and understand how important it is to us to have a trustworthy, dynamic, connected board of directors. My guest today believes that we could all use a board when it comes to our personal and mom life too.

Corey Spiegel is a married mom with two teenagers, born and raised in New Jersey and now living in California with her high school sweetheart for over 20 years. Her company, Light House is a fresh, new community of like-minded women who get together to share, advise, inspire and help each other navigate life in a judgement free zone. The connections are genuine, the conversations are real and the brainstorming vibrant. They feature a curated list of topics that resonate with today’s modern woman and provide interactive classes. Sometimes a more objective audience works better than a dearest confidant.

Corey worked as a senior executive working in the entertainment industry for brands like Playboy, National Geographic, Warner Bros., Extra, Ellen, Rotten Tomatoes and TMZ to name a few, overseeing digital sales, product integrations, social media and brand partnerships. She learned a ton at these companies but after so many years in the trenches, it was time to start her own business in a space that combined her skillset with her passion points outside of advertising. This led her to create Light House.

Meet My Guest:


Show Notes:

  • 02:00 – Introduction
  • 03:40 – What it was like growing up
  • 05:20 – First-time mom experience
  • 07:33 – Reason behind building Lighthouse
  • 09:35 – Lighthouse events
  • 12:40 – Corey’s ‘Mom Sense’ moment
  • 14:00 – Daily mantra — “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
  • 14:45 – The importance of exercise