Walt Disney once said,
“You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world…but it requires people to make the dream a reality.”
Many of us run our own businesses or are part of the entrepreneurial world and understand how important it is to us to have a trustworthy, dynamic, connected board of directors. My guest today believes that we could all use a board when it comes to our personal and mom life too.
Corey Spiegel is a married mom with two teenagers, born and raised in New Jersey and now living in California with her high school sweetheart for over 20 years. Her company, Light House is a fresh, new community of like-minded women who get together to share, advise, inspire and help each other navigate life in a judgement free zone. The connections are genuine, the conversations are real and the brainstorming vibrant. They feature a curated list of topics that resonate with today’s modern woman and provide interactive classes. Sometimes a more objective audience works better than a dearest confidant.
Corey worked as a senior executive working in the entertainment industry for brands like Playboy, National Geographic, Warner Bros., Extra, Ellen, Rotten Tomatoes and TMZ to name a few, overseeing digital sales, product integrations, social media and brand partnerships. She learned a ton at these companies but after so many years in the trenches, it was time to start her own business in a space that combined her skillset with her passion points outside of advertising. This led her to create Light House.
Meet My Guest:
- WEBSITE: FindYourLightHouse.com
- INSTAGRAM: @findyour_lighthouse
- FACEBOOK: /findyourlighthousedotcom
- LINKEDIN: Corey Spiegel
- CHANNEL 4 NBC: Corey Spiegel Helps You Find Your Lighthouse
Show Notes:
- 02:00 – Introduction
- 03:40 – What it was like growing up
- 05:20 – First-time mom experience
- 07:33 – Reason behind building Lighthouse
- 09:35 – Lighthouse events
- 12:40 – Corey’s ‘Mom Sense’ moment
- 14:00 – Daily mantra — “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
- 14:45 – The importance of exercise