051: Zarna Garg — The Business of Comedy

051: Zarna Garg — The Business of Comedy

051: Zarna Garg — The Business of Comedy 1024 512 Kanika

During these uncertain times when fear and anxiety are just as pervasive as Coronavirus itself, it’s okay to give yourself permission to find joy in the little things and share a laugh with friends and family. As they say, laughter is the best medicine.

And in my humble opinion, we have a metaphorical doctor helping us – Zarna Garg. Yes there’s a double-meaning here because she’s South Asian. She’s a lawyer turned comedienne, mom of three, and I’m blessed to call her a dear friend.

Zarna and I met earlier this year and became fast friends. I was fortunate to work with her on her branding and website – zarnagarg.com. You’ll see a lot of shocking pink across the pages because A) it’s damn near shocking for a South Asian mom to make her mark in comedy and B) pink is overtly feminine and bold and stands out in an industry of men. Elle Woods approved. Yes that was a girly lawyer joke, which pretty much sums up my case in point.

Zarna Garg is an award-winning screenwriter and stand-up comedian, and headlines a monthly show at Caroline’s on Broadway called “My American Dream.” Zarna has produced and performed in multiple sold-out comedy shows in top comedy clubs across NYC including the groundbreaking HinJews shows. She has expanded into online comedy shows across multiple time zones, a move which was recently covered in the New York Times and Rukus Avenue Radio.

Her debut romantic comedy screenplay ‘Rearranged’ won the Best Comedy Screenplay Award (placing #1 out of 11,000 scripts) at the Austin Film Festival, and was also a 2019 Academy Nicholl Fellowships Semi-Finalist. The script has been optioned by Marginal Mediaworks.

She has received numerous community accolades for pioneering one-of-a-kind works as an Indian mom of three and former lawyer turned comedian whose comedy uniquely combines the immigrant and American experience. She is one of a handful of female Indian comedians worldwide, and possibly the only one who publicly takes on her mother-in-law.

She is currently providing comedy shows to first responders and their patients, as well as interviewing them on her Instagram Live to find out whether they are single.

Meet My Guest:


Mom Haul: